Helping landlords find the perfect tenant every step of the way.
Total peace of mind from an award winning regulated agency with landlord experience unsurpassed. An agent that over many years has it’s roots firmly set and embedded in these postcodes.
How can Oaktons help...
ARLA qualified
As ARLA qualified agents you can be sure that we protect you and your investment.
In-house maintenance team
You benefit from our very own in-house maintenance team who can take care of looking after your property. We are available to handle all calls around the clock.
Latest advice and legislation
Our team are fully trained and keep up to date on all aspects of legislation.
Tenant vetting
We take due diligence seriously when selecting and recommending tenants to our landlords.
Looking For Your Next Tenant?
We’re here to help you every step of the way, if you have any questions please contact us.